法国小馆儿 (季节 1)

  《'Allo 'Allo》是BBC在1980年代到90年代期间拍摄的一套著名电视喜剧系列片,从1982年到1992年在BBC电视台播放,共85集。   这部电视剧的背景是二战期间纳粹德国占领下的一个法国小村庄上,围绕着一家小餐馆写的故事。中心人物是咖啡馆老板René Artois。纳粹占领军抢劫了村子里所有的有价值的艺术品。   其中包括一幅号称是名家范•克洛普的油画《The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies》。当地德军指挥官决定把这幅画归为己有,强迫Rene把画藏在他的咖啡馆里。可是,纳粹德国领袖希特勒也想得到这幅画,派了一个盖世太保军官前去寻找这幅画,而这个盖世太保也想自己猫腻这幅画。与此同时,出现了若干这幅油画的赝品。于是,一场场好戏和闹剧就这样展开了。   这部电视剧的另一条主线是两个被迫降落在该地的英国飞行员躲在René的咖啡馆里。当地全女性法国抵抗组织设法把这两位英国飞行员安全送回英国。但是,计划屡屡出漏子,也闹出了不少笑话。   似乎这一切还不够乱,René是个花心男人。跟咖啡馆里的两个女招待私下偷情,千方百计要瞒过自己的老婆。锦上添花,或雪上加霜的是,抵抗组织的女首领似乎爱上了René!另外,一个有点同性恋倾向的德国军官也看上了这位咖啡馆老板,总是向他暗送秋波。   《'Allo 'Allo》的情节错综复杂,笑料百出,而该剧最精彩的因素之一是它的语言。   在这部电视剧里,不仅有法国人、德国人、英国人,另外还有意大利人。如何解决语言问题呢?电视剧的制作人想出了绝妙的方法 – 所有角色都说英语,但是都带上浓重的本国口音。这些不同的角色,说着不同口音的英语,使得整出剧更加令人发笑和多姿多彩。

  • Poster for The British 'ave Come

    The British 'ave Come 7.0

    播出日期: 1984-09-07

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: The Colonel & the Captain mull over their situation and decide they should probably hand over René and the painting to the Gestapo in order to get rid of Herr Flick. But René convinces them that they could hand over a forged copy of the painting instead (with the assistance of a conveniently-located forger), and gets them to lend their uniforms to the escaping British officers so the Brits can take the painting to England to be forged. Meanwhile, everyone keeps handing René poison pills "to make it easier", Herr Flick decides his relationship with Helga should include an intimate dinner in Rene's back room, and Hans figures out that putting cheese in one's ears improves the sound of Madame Edith's singing.

  • Poster for Pigeon Post

    Pigeon Post 8.0

    播出日期: 1984-09-14

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: After the Colonel's and the Captain's uniforms are borrowed by the British airmen, and later burned, they will have to send for replacement uniforms. Supplied by Michelle are carrier pigeons, which madame Edith accidentally cooks and serves to Herr Otto Flick.

  • Poster for Saville Row to the Rescue

    Saville Row to the Rescue 7.7

    播出日期: 1984-09-21

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: The Colonel & the Captain and Herr Flick are all disguised as onion sellers while the German uniforms are being remade by the Jewish tailors of London. Michelle delivers a bottle of nitro-glycerin disguised as a bottle of Bols Gin to hide in the Cafe until they come to fetch it that night to blow up a German railway.

  • Poster for The Execution

    The Execution 8.0

    播出日期: 1984-09-28

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: Hans mistakes the nitro for gin and accidentally blows up the railway himself! The Germans capture René, Yvette, and the peasant-disguised Colonel and Captain. As Helga, Leclerc, and Edith each attempt to help the gang escape, General Von Klinkerhoffen arrives in town and demands that the only known saboteur be shot. This means René's death by firing squad, with Lieutenant Gruber in charge of the squad!

  • Poster for The Funeral

    The Funeral 6.0

    播出日期: 1984-10-05

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: René tries to go back to his normal life after his fake execution, posing as his twin brother, also named René, but the funeral arrangements are difficult when there is no body, Monsieur Leclerc is cheaper than the regular priest and the coffin is filled with anti-tank bombs.

  • Poster for Red Nick's Colonel

    Red Nick's Colonel 7.7

    播出日期: 1984-10-19

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: The Communist Resistance wants to make a martyr out of the dead René, and kidnaps the Colonel and the Captain at the Captain's birthday party. To make matters worse, they offer them on a platter to René's twin brother René, so that he can shoot them.

  • Poster for The Dance of the Hitler Youth

    The Dance of the Hitler Youth 7.3

    播出日期: 1984-10-26

    运行时间: 30 min

    概述: The Colonel's birthday party becomes a perfect opportunity for getting the real painting of the Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies back from Herr Flick of the Gestapo, and substituting it with the forgery that was made earlier. The plan is to not invite Herr Flick but make sure that he hears about the big Binge – a traditional feast with genuine Bavarian dances featuring girls dressed as the Hitler Youth – so that he will have to come. In the meantime, René and Edith are supposed to walk into the office of Herr Flick and substitute the real with the fake. Of course, they fail – which means that Herr Flick now both has the fake and the original plus a second forgery, which he commissioned on his own in order to have money for his marriage with Helga after the war.

'Allo 'Allo!

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